Love is no love if it cannot broaden the horizons of the mind to accommodate and include. Relationship is no relationship if it cannot perceive the beauty of jointly shouldering responsibilities beyond the binaries of mine and yours. People who had once started walking together, gradually start growing tired of the routine which a social institution like marriage thrusts upon them. What changes here...the individual or the perspective..? I do not know. Perhaps, in perceiving these duties and responsibilities as a garden jointly owned by the two partners and taking care that every bud may bloom into a flower, lies the key to enjoying a journey of togetherness, with each other. When basic human understanding, cooperation and empathy comes to stand as confinement and restriction, as opposed to love, where do such individuals stand as human beings..?
Every now and then, my facebook shows me status updates - X is in a relationship with Y, X is committed, Y has gone to single from being in a relationship etc. Walking along these lanes of life, a spectator of the self and the surroundings, often do I sit back in my cozy little bed and worship its solidity for being there. I touch my table and the dusty window panes and thank them for the relief they bring from these abstractions...abstractions that I little comprehend...
Tunia, how I can relate to the last few lines..the solidty of the bed, the dusty window, all thats so cocoon -like, away from the contemporary scene.
Relationships and their dynamics need not have picket fences. Yep.
Will muse with you on all these...ever.
I understand what you say, Mashi, but to me, as I see them, at times they seem to be those holy oysters, which enable me to protect my priceless pearls, despite all else..!
Yes. yes.
Tunia, this is me from mesho's laptop. My mac is sick.
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